Entries by developer

Eco-schools: Building Capacity of Educators and Trainers for Sustainable Development

Educators and trainers are powerful agents of change in helping to remake the education sector to address sustainability and enhance the role of education and learning in sustainable development projects and initiatives.  Teachers can be a tremendous force brought to the task, as teachers worldwide number around 70 million, and the corps of trainers and informal […]

Faith-based Education for Sustainable Development

By David Wandabi – Programs Officer – Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) & Eco-schools Coordinator, KOEE The search for a sustainable and just future, not just for humanity but for all life on Earth, has become one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century. Experience has shown that just giving information about education for […]

Earth Warming More Quickly than Thought

By David Wandabi – Programs Officer – Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) & Eco-schools Coordinator, Kenya Organization for Environmental Education Dead livestock due to effects of drought in Marsabit, Kenya. Scientists say the earth is warming faster than thought. Greenhouse gases releases into the atmosphere mainly by burning fossil fuels are warming Earth’s surface more quickly […]


Eco-schools and SDGS

By David Wandabi – Programs Officer – Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) & Eco-schools Coordinator, KOEE Quality Education The Eco-Schools methodology is a powerful tool for providing quality education for sustainable development at all school levels. Its whole institutional approach (WIA) ensures an inclusive implementation throughout the whole kindergarten, school or campus, and the involvement […]

Eco-schools Program and Poverty Reduction

By David Wandabi – Programs Officer – Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) & Eco-schools Coordinator, KOEE Educational changes necessary for poverty reduction should not only be content-related but require approaches to teaching and learning that are transformative, community-engaged and relevant to contemporary and future societies- quality education (UNESCO, 2013).  Such changes need to be infused by […]

The Evolution of Corporate Sustainability in Kenya

By Lorraine Dixon Business, Environment and Sustainability Specialist – KOEE Against the backdrop of a shrinking natural resource base and societies shackled by inequality, the role of business in helping to drive sustainable development is under more scrutiny than ever before.The engagement of business with sustainability first began through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). There is […]

From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals

By Ojuka Vincent Ochieng  Department of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) – KOEE The global community, under the leadership of the United Nations (UN), developed the millennium development goals (MDGs) in the year 2000 in order to address most of the prevalent world challenges including hunger, diseases and gender equality among others. These goals were […]

The killer weed – Cuscuta Japonica

By Ojuka Vincent Ochieng  Department of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) – KOEE One of the current emerging environmental challenges globally is invasive species and their associated impacts. A species is considered to be  invasive if it has been introduced by human action to a location, area, or region where it did not previously occur naturally […]